Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services

Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services
For years, JFL has worked side-by-side with multiple commercial and government agencies where cybersecurity is a top priority. These agencies demand that vendors provide what is called Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services, or HACS, which cover a multitude of assessments and tasks designed to protect every aspect of a computer network or system. Not only has JFL earned the trust of these agencies; we’ve worked together to design and upgrade protocol- and regulations-aligned services that block bad actors’ access to government high-value assets. Risk assessment and management, penetration testing, cyberhunt and incident response—we provide every HACS service on the menu and are called upon, repeatedly, to help secure cyber borders.
High Value Asset Assessments
When it comes to the federal government, “high value assets” are exactly what one would assume—vital and/or classified data and information and the information systems through which they are shared. If an unauthorized party were to gain access to those assets, then use them for nefarious purposes, the results could be catastrophic, affecting everything from the economy to national security to public health. Among JFL’s staff are highly-trained, compartmentalized-cleared experts that are highly trusted by government agencies to assess any and all threats to high value assets.

Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
JFL’s seasoned experts are uniquely positioned to identify and assess a system’s vulnerabilities as well as threats and threat actors with exceptional speed and accuracy. When countermeasures are necessary, they also provide nuanced, highly effective mitigation plans tailored to the client’s needs and environment.
Cyber Hunt
Keeping pace with cyber-threat actors isn’t easy. They’re constantly looking for security-system loopholes and sometimes slip into a network undetected, staying for weeks, even months, as they collect data and confidential material. JFL’s advanced threat experts proactively hunt these actors down, searching, round the clock, for those who’ve bypassed security. The goal? Block attackers’ attempts or catch them red-handed, as opposed to helping a client recover from a ICbreach after it’s occurred. Applying advanced analytical techniques, JFL’s team rapidly identifies, scrutinizes and halts avant-garde threats in an ever-shifting digital environment.

Incident Response
Too often we hear that certain parties weren’t prepared to handle “unforeseen” events. The trick is to plan for just about any hypothetical, especially in the world of cybersecurity, where bad actors continually devise new forms of attack. Incident response involves having a watertight plan in place for foreseen and unforeseen events, one that clearly defines a team’s roles, resources, quick fixes and long-term solutions for ejecting an attacker while keeping operations running as smoothly as possible. JFL’s incident response team provides unparalleled experience and expertise. With each incident, we quickly contain and investigate the perpetrator and immediately set a recovery effort in motion.
Penetration Testing
No system, business or organization is 100 percent perfect. Weaknesses exist—cracks in the walls, the floors, sometimes in the foundation. Which is why a third party is needed to test a computer system or network for easily exploited security vulnerabilities. JFL’s penetration, or pen, tests are conducted by experts who know exactly what hackers look for: cracks in networks, devices, applications and protocols as well as inconsistencies in staff procedures. After simulating real-world attacks, the JFL team reports its findings to the client’s IT/networking managers, then helps them devise and prioritize steps to eliminate all possible threats.

Security Operations Center (SOC)
A Security Operations Center, or SOC, team is charged with monitoring and analyzing a client’s security landscape 24/7, to ensure that cyber threats are thwarted and security breaches quickly squelched. Employing a plethora of services, JFL’s analysts and engineers cover all the bases, from servers to websites, in their efforts to protect a client’s operations and assets.
Risk Management Framework (RMF)
Whenever working with federal agencies, JFL adheres strictly to the U.S. government’s multi-step Risk Management Framework, or RMF, to help protect and secure an agency’s information systems. Those steps include: categorizing the information system; selecting security controls; implementing and assessing those controls; authorizing a risk-control package; and monitoring updated security controls. The RMF, combined with JFL’s impeccable track record in working with the U.S. government, helps to ensure that federal information and data are safe and secure.

Industrial Control Systems / SCADA
Industrial Control Systems (ICS), which monitor and manage everything from oil refineries to electrical grids, are becoming increasingly digitized. This means higher connectivity to IT and the cloud, which, in turn, increases exposure to cyberthreats. Guarding against such threats is further complicated by the labyrinthine nature of ICS networks and rigid regulation policies. But JFL’s seasoned ICS and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) specialists are experts in analyzing a network’s architecture, identifying potential intrusions and providing solutions aligned with policies. Our team, having conducted vulnerability assessments on some of the world’s most sophisticated ICS/SCADA networks, safeguards against not only revenue and job loss but human and environmental hazards as well.